Love red roses but don't need a full dozen?? We offer a smaller option in our half dozen roses arranged in a vase with a variety of beautiful greenery. If you prefer a different color rose, we carry an assortment of seasonally appropriate colors throughout the year which you can choose in our Drop-down menu.
Spring:Yellow roses, pink roses, lavender roses, peach roses
Summer: hot pink roses, coral roses, white roses
Falls: Orange roses, Circus roses, Cream/ tan roses
Winter: Red roses, white roses, peach roses, mauve roses
This flower arrangement will be perfect for the corner of a desk at work or the home office.
Keep roses, and all flower arrangement for that matter, away from direct sunlight and other sources of heat. Change water every 3-4 days or when starts to turn cloudy.
A little trick we learned is to cut the roses about 4-6 inches long once they are fully open and place in a short vase or juice glass: the roses will last another week for you.